Pishin SSP Advocates for Prisoner Welfare and Announces Personal Contributions

Pishin, SSP Manzoor Ahmed Bilidi emphasized the commitment to improving the welfare of prisoners during his visit to the District Sub Jail Pishin. Addressing their basic rights, Bilidi highlighted the efforts being made to enhance living conditions and rehabilitate inmates within the constraints of available resources.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, Bilidi toured the jail’s barracks, engaging directly with inmates to understand their concerns, and notably pledged to personally finance the fines for less convicted prisoners unable to pay. His actions underscore a broader initiative by the Balochistan Police to not only provide basic facilities to prisoners but also integrate them back into society as contributing members.

The visit, which included interactions with prominent journalists, also touched on the role of journalism in shaping a socially responsible, politically robust, and economically stable nation, emphasizing the media’s duty to address social issues and uplift community standards.