Pishin Recognizes Crucial Role of Lady Health Workers in Public Health Sector

Pishin, At the closing ceremony of a six-day training session for lady health workers, Health Education Officer Abdullah Shirani highlighted their indispensable role in the health sector and the government’s commitment to their training and development.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, Shirani praised the dedication of trained health workers to public service during the event, which was organized in collaboration with the Balochistan Human Capital Investment Project and the National Program. Health Specialist Dr. Ali Nasir Bugti reiterated the government of Balochistan’s dedication to enhancing public health facilities, emphasizing that training for lady health workers is a priority under Chief Minister Mir Sarfaraz Bugti’s administration.

The training program is seen as a vital component in improving healthcare services, particularly in maternal and child health. District Project Manager Imtiaz Sakhi mentioned the need for further measures, including the registration of affected mothers and children and their referral to the Nutrition Cell to address nutritional issues effectively. The event concluded with the distribution of credentials to the trained health workers, underscoring their significant role in the community’s well-being.