PDMA Sindh Coordinates Extensive Heatwave Response

Islamabad: The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) of Sindh has issued an update on its ongoing efforts to manage the 2024 heatwave, which has necessitated a comprehensive response across the province.

According to Provincial Disaster Management Authority, from May 21 to July 9, PDMA and District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs) have been closely monitoring the situation and coordinating the Heatwave Response Plan. This plan includes the establishment of 294 heat stabilization camps with the support of 40 humanitarian partners. These camps are vital for providing immediate relief to affected individuals, offering safe transportation, and shifting patients requiring further medical attention to Heat Stroke Centers and hospitals.

Additionally, the PDMA has supported awareness campaigns about the dangers of heatwaves. These campaigns involve distributing educational materials, hanging banners, and utilizing various media outlets to reach a broad audience. Moreover, some district Deputy Commissioners and DDMAs have initiated a Plantation Drive to mitigate the effects of extreme heat in the region.

The coordinated efforts of PDMA, DDMAs, and humanitarian partners highlight the proactive steps taken to protect the residents of Sindh during the critical summer months.