Pakistan’s Prime Minister Seeks Japanese Investment in Automobile Sector

Islamabad, In a significant move to boost economic relations, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has invited Japanese companies to expand their investments in Pakistan’s automobile industry, capitalizing on the country’s business-friendly policies and promising market potential.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, during a meeting with a high-level Japanese business delegation in Islamabad today, Prime Minister Shehbaz expressed enthusiasm for enhancing the longstanding trade and investment ties between the two countries. He specifically highlighted the automobile sector as a prime area for investment and promised that any challenges faced by Japanese businesses in Pakistan would be swiftly addressed through a newly formed committee.

The Japanese delegation responded positively, noting that the pro-investment stance and recent measures by the Pakistani government were boosting investor confidence and could potentially increase exports. The Japanese Ambassador to Pakistan, Wada Mitsuhiro, also participated in the meeting, announcing that a delegation of 20 prominent Japanese companies would visit Pakistan in July, a visit he described as a milestone for fostering deeper investment and trade relations.