Pakistan’s Prime Minister Initiates Legal and Judicial Reforms for Public Benefit

Islamabad, In an effort to streamline legal processes and enhance public access to justice, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has mandated the development of an action plan aimed at simplifying legal procedures for the populace. This directive emerged from the inaugural session of the special committee on legal and judicial reforms, reflecting a commitment to addressing the complexities and delays within the current system.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, during the meeting in Islamabad, the Prime Minister called for the creation of a comprehensive package encompassing constitutional and legal amendments aimed at judicial reform. Sharif emphasized the need for swift and accessible justice for all citizens, underscoring the significance of legal efficiency in fostering public trust and legal integrity.

The Prime Minister also turned his attention to tax-related issues, advocating for the simplification of tax procedures and laws to alleviate burdens on individuals and the business sector. He highlighted the critical issue of substantial tax-related disputes languishing in courts and tribunals, exacerbated by protracted stay orders, which impede effective tax collection and fiscal management.

He tasked the committee with formulating legal recommendations to enhance tax collection efficacy, requesting a preliminary report on financial and tax matters within a fortnight. Furthermore, Sharif advised that the committee’s findings should undergo consultation with coalition partners before submission to the relevant ministries, ensuring a collaborative and comprehensive approach to the reform initiatives.

This move marks a significant step towards refining Pakistan’s legal and judicial frameworks, aiming to make justice more accessible and expedite the resolution of economic and financial disputes, thereby serving the broader interests of governance and public welfare.