Pakistan’s NACTA to Undergo Modern Restructuring, Says Interior Minister

Islamabad, In a decisive move to bolster national security, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi announced that the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) will undergo significant restructuring to align with modern standards. This development emerged during his visit to NACTA’s headquarters in Islamabad, where he emphasized enhancing the nation’s counter-terrorism capabilities and promoting a narrative against extremism.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Minister Naqvi chaired a meeting to deliberate on the strategic overhaul of NACTA, highlighting the necessity of adopting a proactive stance against terrorism. He stressed the importance of a robust national narrative to counteract extremist ideologies and underscored the need for the thorough execution of the National Action Plan.

The Minister articulated the critical need for preemptive measures to dismantle terrorist networks and their support systems, aiming to prevent acts of terrorism rather than responding post-incident. As part of this initiative, Naqvi called for an evaluation of the efficiency across all provincial Counter Terrorism Departments and scheduled a forthcoming meeting of the Coordination Committee for the National Action Plan.

The announcement signals a commitment to reinforcing Pakistan’s counter-terrorism framework, underscoring an integrated approach to combatting extremism and safeguarding national security.