Pakistan’s Interior Minister Discusses Terrorism and Refugee Issues with UN Special Representative

Islamabad: Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi met with UN Special Representative for Afghanistan Indrika Ratwatte to discuss the ongoing terrorism challenges and the situation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan. The meeting, which included other high-ranking UN officials, highlighted Pakistan’s efforts in combating terrorism and its role in supporting Afghan refugees.

According to Press Information Department, the discussions centered around the recent terrorist attacks in Balochistan, which were strongly condemned by Ratwatte. Minister Naqvi emphasized that terrorism is a significant global challenge, noting that Pakistan has been particularly affected. He detailed the sacrifices made by Pakistan’s security forces, police, and citizens in their fight against terrorism and informed the UN delegation about the involvement of the banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which he reported is operating from Afghan soil.

The meeting also covered the status of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, with Naqvi outlining the ongoing and upcoming phases of repatriation for illegal foreigners, stressing that those with legal documents are not targeted. He highlighted the need for continued support from the United Nations and the international community in rehabilitating Afghan refugees.

Ratwatte acknowledged and praised Pakistan’s contributions to the Doha dialogue and its efforts regarding Afghan refugees, confirming the UN’s commitment to work with the Afghan government for their permanent rehabilitation.