Pakistan’s Foreign Affairs Committee Evaluates Diplomatic Efforts with Global Partners

Islamabad: The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs met to scrutinize Pakistan’s diplomatic relations with key international partners, including the United States, China, India, Afghanistan, and Iran. Chaired by Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, the session focused on enhancing the effectiveness of Pakistan’s foreign policy and diplomatic engagements.

According to National Assembly of Pakistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) detailed the country’s ongoing diplomatic initiatives and interactions during the meeting. Discussions covered a range of topics from trade relations to strategic dialogues, noting both successes and areas needing improvement in Pakistan’s international dealings. The committee also emphasized the need for more streamlined processes and better public engagement to bolster the visibility and impact of Pakistan’s foreign relations.

The meeting further included a debate on the Apostille Bill 2024, which aims to streamline the authentication of documents for international use. Following thorough discussions, the bill was unanimously approved by the committee members. The session was attended by key parliamentary members and MoFA officials, including Foreign Secretary Mr. M. Syrus Sajjad Qazi, who contributed to the comprehensive review of the foreign affairs landscape.