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Government & Politics

Pakistan’s Caretaker Defense Minister Visits Azad Jammu and Kashmir

Muzaffarabad, Lt. Gen. (Rtd) Anwar Ali Haider, Pakistan’s Caretaker Defense Minister, visited the Bagh and Pandu sectors of the Line of Control in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. During his visit, he received a comprehensive briefing on the current situation and paid homage to martyrs in Muzaffarabad.

According to Press Information Department – Azad Jammu and Kashmir, the Defense Minister laid floral wreaths at the martyrs’ memorial in Muzaffarabad and offered prayers for their eternal peace. He was presented with a guard of honor at Yadgar Shahada by the Pakistan Army. The Minister met with families and victims of Indian aggression on the Line of Control, expressing solidarity and support. He criticized India’s human rights violations in Kashmir and called for a resolution of the Kashmir issue in accordance with UN resolutions. The Defense Minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s support for the Kashmiri freedom movement.