Islamabad, In a telephonic conversation on Friday, Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar communicated with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, addressing the dire circumstances in Palestine following Israeli military actions in Gaza and the West Bank. PM Kakar voiced Pakistan’s condemnation of the recent assaults, emphasizing the attack on Al-Ahli hospital. The aggressive incidents have resulted in over 3,000 casualties and left more than 12,000 injured.
According to a news release by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the two leaders jointly underscored the pressing need for global intervention, urging the international community and Israel to cease hostilities. Recognizing the dire humanitarian situation, they stressed the importance of ending the blockade on Gaza to ensure the timely delivery of essential medical aid and relief to the distressed populace.
Furthermore, Pakistan has taken tangible steps by dispatching its inaugural consignment of humanitarian aid for the Palestinians, which arrived in Egypt the previous day. The Prime Minister highlighted the critical role of international bodies, primarily the United Nations, to address this escalating situation. He urged them to act firmly, ensuring that principles of justice, humanity, and international law prevail.
Additionally, PM Kakar reinforced Pakistan’s steadfast support for a definitive and equitable resolution to the Palestinian issue. He reiterated the country’s endorsement of the “two-state” doctrine, advocating for the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders, and designating East Jerusalem as its capital.
Expressing gratitude, President Abbas acknowledged Pakistan’s continuous and unwavering support for the Palestinian cause and their pursuit of freedom from Israeli occupation.