Pakistani Embassy in Tehran Marks Kashmir Black Day with Solemn Observances

Tehran: On Sunday, the Embassy of Pakistan in Tehran held a solemn event to mark Kashmir Black Day, drawing attention to the long-standing conflict in Jammu and Kashmir and expressing support for the Kashmiri people’s struggle against what is described as Indian illegal occupation.

According to Press Information Department, the observance included participation from members of the Pakistani community in Tehran, including students, media persons, and senior embassy officers. During the event, messages from the President, Prime Minister, and Foreign Minister of Pakistan were delivered, emphasizing the ongoing support for the Kashmiri cause. Ambassador Muhammad Mudassir Tipu spoke about the severe and prolonged human rights issues faced by Kashmiris under Indian administration and reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to advocating for Kashmiri rights on political, moral, and diplomatic fronts.

The ambassador also called on world leaders and international organizations, including the United Nations, to pressure India to end its forceful tactics in Kashmir and to resolve the dispute in accordance with UN resolutions and international law. He expressed gratitude towards the Iranian leadership and civil society for their support of the Kashmiri and Palestinian causes. The event also featured a photo exhibition showcasing the hardships faced by the people in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and concluded with a special prayer for the alleviation of the Kashmiris’ suffering and their quest for freedom.