Pakistani Climate Aide Proposes V20 Climate Action Data Bank

Islamabad: In a bid to enhance global cooperation against climate change, Romina Khurshid Alam, the Prime Minister’s Coordinator on Climate Change, has proposed the creation of a V20 Climate Action Data Bank. This initiative aims to centralize data on climate-related risks and economic impacts for the Vulnerable Twenty (V20) Group, enhancing resilience-building efforts among nations most susceptible to climate disruptions.

According to Press Information Department, during a recent meeting with representatives from the V20 countries, Alam expressed Pakistan’s readiness to lead the establishment of this data bank. She highlighted the critical need for a centralized platform to consolidate climate risk data and financial resilience strategies for the V20 nations, which include some of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries. The data bank is envisioned as a tool to empower these nations to effectively address and adapt to adverse climate effects through informed decision-making and targeted resource mobilization.

The V20 Group, initiated in October 2015, comprises 70 member countries from diverse regions including Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Pacific, representing over 1.7 billion people. Despite contributing only a small fraction of global carbon emissions, these countries face disproportionate impacts from climate change, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events. The proposed data bank is seen as a pivotal step in bolstering these countries’ capabilities to secure international funding and implement effective climate actions.

Romina Khurshid Alam underscored the importance of the data bank in facilitating regional cooperation, sharing critical data, and coordinating responses to climate challenges more effectively. By pooling resources and data, V20 member countries can enhance their collective resilience and preparedness for climate impacts, fostering sustainable development and attracting necessary investments for climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.