Pakistan Zaireen Stranded at Baghdad Airport Due to Aircraft Technical Faults

Islamabad: 654 Pakistani zaireen are currently stranded at Baghdad airport due to a technical fault with two aircrafts operated by Iraq Airways. The issue has prompted interventions from various governmental bodies and diplomatic missions to facilitate their early repatriation.

According to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Aviation and Pakistan’s Embassy in Iraq are actively coordinating with Iraqi authorities and Iraq Airways to address the situation and expedite the return of the stranded Pakistanis. Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar has instructed the Ambassador of Pakistan in Baghdad to ensure the well-being of the stranded individuals and assist in their early return.

The embassy has already taken steps to provide meals and arrange temporary accommodations for the stranded zaireen in Baghdad. Efforts are ongoing to resolve the technical issues as swiftly as possible, with the return flights expected to commence tonight. The first of the two delayed flights is scheduled to depart Baghdad at 2200 hrs (Iraq local time), which corresponds to 1200 am PST.

All stranded passengers are anticipated to return by August 31, 2024. The situation remains a priority for the involved Pakistani and Iraqi authorities, who are working closely to ensure the safety and comfort of all affected individuals until their repatriation is successfully completed.