Pakistan Reiterates Claim on Junagadh, Seeks Peaceful Resolution

Islamabad: The Foreign Office of Pakistan, through spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, reiterated the nation’s claim on the Junagadh region, currently part of India, during a weekly press briefing on Thursday. The spokesperson emphasized Pakistan’s historical and legal stance on the issue, denouncing India’s annexation of the city in 1948 as a violation of international norms and the United Nations Charter.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Baloch stated, “Junagadh was annexed to Pakistan. The country sees this matter in historical and legal perspective. Junagadh was a part of Pakistan and India’s illegal occupation of it is a violation of the United Nations Charter and international norms.” She highlighted that Pakistan consistently raises this issue in political and diplomatic forums and seeks a peaceful resolution.

The spokesperson further noted that Pakistan views the situation in Junagadh similarly to the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), considering both as ‘unfinished agendas.’ Baloch expressed a commitment to resolving these issues peacefully and in accordance with international law.

Additionally, Baloch mentioned Pakistan’s readiness to foster robust and positive relations with Bangladesh. She indicated that bilateral cooperation between the governments of Pakistan and Bangladesh is set to enhance, benefiting the populations of both nations.

In a related development, the spokesperson disclosed that invitations have been extended to the heads of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states for an upcoming meeting. Furthermore, she noted that the Prime Minister of Pakistan is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly soon, highlighting these issues on an international platform.