Pakistan Reaffirms Support for Kashmiris Amidst Ongoing Conflict with India

Islamabad: In a strong reaffirmation of its support, Pakistan has once again declared its solidarity with the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), emphasizing its commitment to the principles of justice, equality, and human rights in the face of continued Indian oppression.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Pakistan has been a steadfast advocate for the Kashmiri people’s struggle for freedom for over seven decades, providing consistent support which has become a symbol of hope for those in the region. Despite the prolonged conflict, Pakistan’s dedication to the cause of Kashmir remains firm, with the nation vowing to support IIOJK’s pursuit of freedom from Indian control.

The historical and emotional bonds between Pakistanis and Kashmiris are described as unbreakable, with shared aspirations for liberation from what is seen as unlawful occupation. The issue of Kashmir is portrayed as an unresolved element of the subcontinent’s partition, particularly highlighted by actions taken by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 5, 2019, which, as per the report, validate the Two-Nation Theory.

The call extends beyond national support, urging the global community to stand with the Kashmiri people against what is termed as “fascist India.” The statement reflects a deep-seated sentiment that the international community cannot remain indifferent to the plight of the Kashmiris.

Pakistan continues to position itself as a key supporter of human rights and justice for Kashmir, promising to stand with the Kashmiri people until they achieve their right to self-determination.