Pakistan Marks Fifth Anniversary of Kashmir’s Autonomy Revocation with Youm-i-Istehsal

Islamabad: Pakistan is set to observe Youm-i-Istehsal on Monday, commemorating the fifth anniversary of the revocation of Kashmir’s special autonomy by India. This observance is a show of solidarity with the Kashmiri people, reflecting ongoing tensions over the 2019 changes imposed by India’s government.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the day recalls when India, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, repealed Article 370 of its constitution, a move that significantly altered the governance and demographic potential of the Muslim-majority territory, allowing non-Kashmiris to buy property and settle permanently in the region. Pakistan has opposed these changes, viewing them as a demographic threat to the Muslim-majority area.

This year’s Youm-i-Istehsal will feature various activities including a significant gathering led by Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir. The Prime Minister is expected to deliver a policy statement emphasizing Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir and its support for the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination.

Additional activities planned for the day include a special walk, ceremonies across Pakistan’s provinces, and areas including Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, and special broadcasts focusing on the sacrifices of Kashmiris and the alleged human rights violations in the territory by India.

The day aims to highlight the ongoing conflict in Jammu and Kashmir, the fundamental rights violations of its people, and India’s failure to uphold its commitments regarding the region’s autonomy.