Pakistan Invites More Chinese Companies for Investment; French Envoy Discusses Bilateral Trade

Islamabad: In a significant push to attract foreign investment, Pakistan’s Board of Investment held a detailed briefing for Chinese Ambassador H.E. Jiang Zaidong, outlining opportunities in various sectors. Federal Minister for Board of Investment Abdul Aleem Khan, alongside Federal Minister for Commerce Jam Kamal and Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Tariq Fatemi, highlighted potential investment avenues in sectors like medical equipment, plastics, textiles, and agriculture.

According to Press Information Department, the meeting emphasized Pakistan’s readiness to facilitate Chinese investments with enhanced security and business-friendly policies, including an extended business visa facility. Ambassador Jiang Zaidong reassured his commitment to promoting Chinese participation in Pakistan’s economic sectors, reflecting the strong bilateral relations between the two nations.

Furthermore, discussions with French Ambassador to Pakistan, Nicolas Galey, focused on strengthening trade ties and exploring new avenues for cooperation. Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan discussed infrastructure projects linking Pakistan with China and Central Asia, highlighting their potential to boost economic activity. The discussions also covered the privatization of state-owned enterprises and potential French investments in various sectors.