Pakistan Female Peacekeepers Recognized for their Professionalism

Islamabad: Two Pakistani female peacekeepers, Major Sania Safdar and Major Komal Masood, have been awarded the Gender Advocacy Award by the Under Secretary General of the Department of Peace Operations at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The awards were given in recognition of their exemplary service in UN Peacekeeping Missions in Cyprus and the Central African Republic, respectively.

According to Inter Services Public Relations, Major Sania Safdar, who served in the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Cyprus, and Major Komal Masood, who served in the Central African Republic, demonstrated exceptional professionalism and dedication. Their efforts significantly contributed to the missions’ goals of peace and stability, particularly in enhancing the meaningful participation of women in peacekeeping operations. Their work has been highly praised by their respective Mission Force Commanders.

The recognition of Majors Safdar and Masood highlights Pakistan’s strong commitment to the UN Peacekeeping mandate and its role in promoting global peace and security. Pakistan continues to be an active and responsible member of the international community, committed to supporting UN Peacekeeping Missions.