Pakistan Embassy in Brussels Organizes Seminar in Observance of Kashmir Black Day

Brussels, The Pakistan Embassy in Brussels marked Kashmir Black Day by convening a seminar, aiming to shed light on the reported maltreatment by Indian security forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

According to a news release by Kashmir Media Service, a diverse audience of Pakistani and Kashmiri diaspora, think tanks, and members of both print and electronic media engaged in the event. The proceedings commenced with a video presentation detailing the significance of Kashmir Black Day, juxtaposed against a portrayal of the alleged transgressions by Indian military personnel.

Prominent among the speakers were Shaista Safi and Muzammil Ayub Thakur, who recounted their personal experiences of displacement, emotional distress, and the overarching trauma associated with the circumstances in IIOJK. Narratives from victims of the purported harsh occupation in IIOJK formed the core of their presentations. Both speakers vocalized their dismay at the perceived lack of international action against the reported violations and underscored the steadfast determination of the Kashmiris to secure their right to self-determination, as recognized by the resolutions of the UN Security Council.

In a specially curated video message for the seminar attendees, Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed articulated concerns over what he described as the “illegal annexation” of Kashmir by India, a move he believes contravenes the UN Charter and foundational principles of international law. He accentuated the need for global cognizance of the human rights issues and the self-determination aspirations of the IIOJK populace.

Official statements from top-tier Pakistani officials—including the President, Prime Minister, and Foreign Minister—were relayed to the seminar participants by a trio of Embassy representatives: Ambassador Amna Baloch, Deputy Head of Mission Faraz Zaidi, and Minister (Customs) Asad Rizvi.