Pakistan dismisses Indian Supreme Court’s ruling on Kashmir

Islamabad, Pakistan officially rejected a recent ruling by the Indian Supreme Court which supports the decision to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, an area Pakistan considers to be under Indian occupation.

According to Kashmir Media Service, at a press briefing in Islamabad, Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch stated that the Supreme Court’s decision, reaffirming an earlier ruling from December 11, 2023, does not alter the internationally disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir. Baloch emphasized that the judgments fail to divert global attention from the “gross and systemic human rights violations” occurring in the region. She reiterated that Kashmiris possess an undeniable right to self-determination, as established by United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Additionally, Baloch condemned India’s actions in Kashmir as unilateral measures that disregard the will of the primary stakeholders — the Kashmiri people and Pakistan. The spokesperson also highlighted recent international developments, noting the recognition of Palestine by several countries as a significant step towards affirming the right to self-determination on a global scale.