Pakistan Demands Afghanistan Take Action Against Terrorists Responsible for Bannu Attack

Islamabad, In response to the recent suicide attack on a security forces convoy in Bannu district, a representative of the Afghan Embassy in Islamabad was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today. Pakistan expressed its strong condemnation of the attack, which was carried out by an Afghan national and claimed by the Hafiz Gul Bahadur Group.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Pakistan communicated its firm stance to the Afghan representative, demanding a thorough investigation and immediate action against the perpetrators and abettors of the Bannu attack. The representative was urged to take verifiable actions against all terrorist groups operating from Afghanistan and their sanctuaries.

Furthermore, Pakistan insisted on the apprehension of Hafiz Gul Bahadur, the alleged mastermind behind the attack, and his extradition to Pakistan. The Afghan representative was also reminded of the importance of preventing the use of Afghan soil for terrorist activities against Pakistan.

This meeting underscores the escalating concerns of Pakistan regarding cross-border terrorism and its expectation of cooperation from the Afghan government in combating such threats.