Pakistan Criticizes Indian Court’s Decision to Ban Kashmiri Political Parties

Islamabad: Pakistan has voiced strong opposition to a recent ruling by the Delhi High Court that supports the ban on several Kashmiri political parties, which have been advocating for the rights of the people in the region.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, at her weekly media briefing, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch expressed that the prohibition of these parties is an extension of India’s ongoing efforts to suppress the Kashmiri population, quell dissent, and reinforce its control over what Pakistan refers to as Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). She criticized the Indian judiciary for legitimizing what she termed repressive actions, including recent judicial decisions that endorse the stifling of legitimate political voices in Jammu and Kashmir.

Baloch highlighted that the parties in question were targeted under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, a law she claims has been increasingly employed as a tool to repress the Kashmiri populace. She recalled that in the previous year, the Indian Supreme Court had affirmed what she described as the “illegal and unilateral acts of 2019 in IIOJK.”

The spokesperson reiterated Pakistan’s call for India to lift the ban on all political parties that have been outlawed in the region, to respect the rights and freedoms of the Kashmiri people, to release all political prisoners and human rights defenders, and to adhere to the UN Security Council resolutions concerning Jammu and Kashmir.

In response to questions, Baloch emphasized that the Kashmiri community has endured several decades of subjugation under Indian rule. She stated that Pakistan has consistently supported the rights of the Jammu and Kashmir population to live in freedom and dignity. Addressing another query, she mentioned Pakistan’s view that the future of South Asia hinges on peace, which can only be achieved through a peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. She called on Indian authorities to foster an environment conducive to dialogue in the region.

Additionally, Baloch condemned the recent Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, which resulted in significant civilian casualties, underscoring Pakistan’s stance on international conflicts.