Pakistan Counters India’s Claims at UN, Highlights Human Rights Concerns

Islamabad: Pakistan has strongly rebutted what it describes as the baseless and misleading assertions made by the Indian delegate at the United Nations. The Pakistani delegation highlighted issues of terrorism and human rights violations by India, particularly in the region of Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Muhammad Faheem, the Third Secretary at the Pakistan Mission, delivered a pointed response to the Indian allegations. He accused India of distorting facts about the Jammu and Kashmir dispute to divert international attention from its illegal activities and repressive measures in the region. Faheem cited reports from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and various UN Special Rapporteurs that have documented severe human rights abuses in Indian-administered Kashmir. He also criticized India’s denial of access to independent observers in the area.

Further, the Pakistani delegate refuted India’s accusations of Pakistani involvement in terrorism. He argued that India has, in fact, sponsored terrorist activities against Pakistan and other countries, including through its intelligence agency’s orchestration of events like those involving Kulbhushan Jadhav. Faheem claimed that India’s operations have extended globally, with incidents of violence and targeted assassinations against political dissidents abroad.

Additionally, he condemned the ongoing violence and Islamophobia against Muslims and other minorities in India, characterizing it as state-sponsored.