Pakistan Coordinates Repatriation of Student’s Body from China, Ensures Family Support

Islamabad: The Foreign Office of Pakistan is actively facilitating the repatriation of the body of a Pakistani student who recently passed away in China. The embassy in Beijing is closely coordinating with the student’s university and family to navigate the complex legal and logistical challenges involved in transferring the remains back to Pakistan.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the repatriation process involves several legal and procedural steps that must be adhered to under Chinese regulations. These include embalming the body and arranging for its transport in a specialized vehicle suited for international transfers.

Additionally, the spokesperson highlighted the collaborative efforts to support the bereaved family financially and logistically. Following interventions by the Pakistani embassy, the student’s insurance company has agreed to provide compensation to the family. Furthermore, the university where the student was enrolled has committed to covering the costs of transporting the body back to Pakistan.

This effort underscores the commitment of Pakistan’s diplomatic network to assist citizens abroad, especially in complex and sensitive situations such as the repatriation of remains.