Pakistan Confronts Widespread Flood Impact Across Four Provinces

Pakistan: In a series of devastating events, floods have extensively affected Pakistan from late July through August 2024, impacting multiple districts across four provinces with varying severity. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has released detailed statistics on the extent and progression of the flooding.

According to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the flood coverage peaked at 25,000 km² from August 8 to August 12, indicating a significant escalation from the initial 18,000 km² recorded between July 21 and August 3. The latest data, covering August 13 to August 17, shows a reduction to 14,000 km², suggesting a slight decrease in floodwater spread.

The analysis highlights how each province has been impacted over three distinct periods:

– Baluchistan experienced an increase in affected districts, with up to 18 districts under medium to high flood extents by mid-August.

– Khyber Pakhtunkhwa saw a consistent number of districts impacted, with severity fluctuating slightly across the periods.

– Punjab had the most districts under flood threat consistently, with 34 districts experiencing low to high flood levels throughout.

– Sindh also faced escalating flood conditions with an increase in districts experiencing high flood levels by mid-August.

These statistics underline the ongoing challenges faced by disaster management authorities in Pakistan as they continue to address the immediate needs of affected regions and strategize for future flood resilience.