Pakistan Bolsters Tech Education with NAVTTC-NUST Partnership

Islamabad: A significant advancement in technical education was marked today as the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) signed a Joint Venture Agreement with the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) to train youth in chip design and manufacturing.

According to Press Information Department, the agreement was formalized at the NAVTTC headquarters in Islamabad, in the presence of the Federal Minister for Federal Education, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui. This initiative aligns with the Prime Minister’s vision of leveraging Pakistan’s youthful demographics to fuel economic growth through cutting-edge technical skills training.

The training program is structured in two five-month cohorts, aiming to enhance the employability of young Pakistanis in vital tech sectors both domestically and internationally. Minister Siddiqui praised the initiative, noting, “Technological training is our ticket to capitalizing on the youth bulge and an aging global population,” highlighting the strategic significance of preparing the workforce for a technologically evolving future.

The ceremony also featured remarks from Mr. Mohyuddin Ahmad Wani, Federal Secretary, and Mr. Aamir Jan, Executive Director of NAVTTC, who emphasized the program’s potential to set a new precedent in technical education. Engr. Javed Mahmood Bukhari, Rector of NUST, discussed the collaboration’s importance in aligning Pakistan’s educational strategies with global technological demands.

The initiative promises not only to position Pakistani youth at the forefront of the tech industry but also to offer substantial returns on investment, reflecting the government’s commitment to integrating modern educational frameworks with economic development strategies.