Pakistan Army Initiates Court Martial Against Retired Lt Gen Faiz Hameed Following Supreme Court Orders

Islamabad: In response to the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s directives, the Pakistan Army has initiated disciplinary action and a Field General Court Martial against retired Lt Gen Faiz Hameed, following a detailed inquiry that confirmed violations of the Pakistan Army Act.

According to Inter Services Public Relations, the court of inquiry was conducted to verify complaints against Lt Gen Hameed concerning his involvement in the Top City case. Findings from the investigation led to his subsequent detention under military custody, highlighting multiple instances of post-retirement violations of military laws.

The ongoing legal proceedings underscore the Army’s commitment to upholding strict disciplinary standards and ensuring accountability at all levels of service, even post-retirement. This case marks a significant application of military justice, reflecting the Army’s adherence to lawful conduct and disciplinary protocols as mandated by the Supreme Court.