Pakistan and U.S. Strengthen Ties Through Economic and Security Partnerships, Says Ambassador Masood

Islamabad, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States, Masood Khan, has noted a significant recalibration in the relationship between Pakistan and the United States, focusing on enhanced security and economic collaborations.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, during a conversation on the ‘Global in the Granite State’ podcast with Tim Horgan from the World Affairs Council of New Hampshire, Ambassador Khan highlighted the comprehensive nature of the Pak-US economic partnership. He suggested that Pakistan could serve as a vital economic conduit between China and the United States, facilitating trade and manufacturing relationships beneficial to both nations.

Ambassador Khan praised the careful and wise management of bilateral relations by U.S. leadership, pointing to recent diplomatic visits that have paved the way for a collaborative rather than confrontational approach. He also emphasized the potential benefits of the U.S. decoupling or de-risking strategies, which could include relocating some industries to Pakistan to manufacture goods for export to China and other markets.

Furthermore, Ambassador Khan discussed the broader regional context, advocating for peace and security as mutual goals for Pakistan, the United States, and other global powers. He called for actions to both curb harmful tendencies threatening international peace and promote global commons that enhance life globally.

Addressing the Global South, he underscored the critical priority of eliminating poverty and investing in sustainable development to address existential threats like climate change. On the topic of South Asia’s strategic balance, Khan criticized the U.S.’s close alignment with India, suggesting that a restored equilibrium would foster regional peace.

Regarding India, Khan remarked on the importance of fostering good relations with neighbors and investing in economic connectivity to enhance India’s regional stance. On Afghanistan, he reiterated the need for the interim Afghan government to intensify efforts against organizations like the TTP to ensure regional stability.

Lastly, concerning Kashmir, Ambassador Khan reaffirmed Pakistan’s position that the people of Jammu and Kashmir should determine their future through democratic means rather than force.