Pakistan and Tajikistan Consider Establishing Direct Trade Route

Beijing: A significant meeting took place in Beijing, China, focusing on the enhancement of trade relations between Pakistan and Tajikistan. The discussion highlighted the potential establishment of a direct trade route that would also facilitate easier access to other Central Asian nations. This proposal was deliberated during a sideline meeting at the Global Transport Forum between Azim Ibrahim, the Minister of Transport of Tajikistan, and Abdul Aleem Khan, Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Communications, Board of Investment and Privatization.

According to Press Information Department, the ministers utilized this opportunity to explore the utilization of the Karakoram Highway, passing through Khunjarab to Kashgar, then moving towards Murghab and finally reaching Dushanbe. This route is envisioned to support robust two-way trade between the two countries. The meeting also aligned with previous engagements, building on the momentum from Abdul Aleem Khan’s visit to Tajikistan in May, which already initiated the start of direct flights between the two nations.

During their discussions, Minister Abdul Aleem Khan expressed Pakistan’s readiness to proceed with the Joint Ministerial Committee and Joint Working Group meetings to further solidify trade relations. He emphasized Pakistan’s broader strategy to enhance bilateral trade not only with Tajikistan but with all Central Asian countries. The ministers also tackled logistical challenges faced by trawlers and drivers traveling on the proposed route, aiming to streamline operations and facilitate smoother trade flows.

Minister Azim Ibrahim reciprocated the positive sentiments towards Pakistan and acknowledged the fruitful outcomes of the Joint Ministerial Committee earlier in the year. Both ministers agreed on the importance of continuing mutual cooperation and joint business ventures.

The meeting concluded with a consensus on forming working groups to oversee various agreements, including the four countries Traffic and Transit Agreement. These discussions were held in a constructive atmosphere, with senior officers from both countries in attendance, paving the way for potential significant advancements in regional trade and cooperation.