Pakistan and Netherlands Explore Enhanced Bilateral Ties in Agriculture and Technology

Karachi, Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb and the Netherlands Ambassador to Pakistan, Mrs. Henny de Vries, engaged in comprehensive discussions today in Islamabad, focusing on the deepening of bilateral relations and mutual cooperation in key sectors such as agriculture, dairy, and technology transfer. The dialogue aimed at leveraging Dutch expertise to boost Pakistan’s production capabilities and exports, marking a significant step towards economic collaboration between the two nations.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the meeting underscored Pakistan’s keen interest in adopting Dutch technologies and practices to enhance its agricultural and dairy sectors. The Finance Minister emphasized the potential impact of such cooperation on Pakistan’s economy, expressing enthusiasm for the resultant boost in production and exports.

In addition to technology transfer, the discussions covered a range of mutual interests and explored ways to reinforce the longstanding ties between Pakistan and the Netherlands. Both parties highlighted the structural reforms currently being implemented by the Pakistani government, aimed at promoting economic growth and ensuring fiscal sustainability.

The Netherlands Ambassador reiterated her country’s commitment to supporting Pakistan across various sectors, acknowledging the efforts made by the Pakistani government towards economic and financial reform. She briefed the Finance Minister on several Dutch-led pilot projects in Pakistan, focusing on fish production, labor safety, environmental standards in the textile industry, and water management in agriculture.

The meeting concluded with a mutual agreement on the importance of expanding bilateral relations and seeking new partnership opportunities, reflecting both countries’ dedication to fostering a relationship built on shared values and collaborative success.