Pakistan and Belarus Explore Enhanced Trade and Transportation Ties

Islamabad: In a meeting aimed at bolstering bilateral ties, Ambassador of Belarus to Pakistan, H.E. Mr. Andrei Metelitsa, met with Abdul Aleem Khan, Federal Minister for Privatization, Board of Investment and Communications, to discuss expanding cooperation in trade and transport sectors.

According to Press Information Department, the discussions focused on a variety of joint initiatives, including the potential for Pakistan’s involvement in a “Joint Memorandum” of transport with Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, and participation in the upcoming “Transport Week” in Belarus this September. Ambassador Metelitsa extended an invitation to Minister Khan to attend this significant inter-country event.

During the talks, Minister Khan highlighted the importance of developing trade corridors that could extend to Eastern Europe, benefiting the entire region. He emphasized the potential for increased bilateral trade and the strategic use of transit routes and road networks. In response, Ambassador Metelitsa expressed his appreciation for Pakistani hospitality and the quality of local produce.

The meeting also included a briefing by the Federal Secretary for Communications and the Chairman of the National Highway Authority, outlining prospective cooperative ventures in transportation, particularly concerning ongoing projects with Afghanistan, China, and Central Asian states.