Pakistan Accuses India of State Terrorism and International Law Violations

Islamabad: In a sharp condemnation, Pakistani sources have accused India of employing state terrorism as an official policy to suppress dissent within Kashmir and beyond. Citing reports from Kashmir Media Service, the allegations include targeted assassinations on foreign soil, espionage, and media manipulation, activities said to be orchestrated by the Indian government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

According to Kashmir Media Service, these actions represent serious violations of international law, with the Modi administration’s tactics posing significant threats to regional and global stability. The report accuses Indian embassies of serving as fronts for covert operations, where spies operate under the guise of diplomats, a strategy that mirrors practices reportedly adopted by Israel.

The critique extends to India’s use of hybrid warfare tactics, including cyber-attacks and misinformation campaigns aimed at undermining Pakistan and intimidating the Kashmiri population. Furthermore, the Hindu nationalist Hindutva ideology promoted by Modi is characterized as a form of religious terrorism, contributing to the escalating tension between the two nuclear-armed neighbors.

The call to the international community was clear: there is an urgent need to address and respond to India’s actions, which are described as aggressive and contrary to the norms of international relations and peacekeeping.