Over 300 US Christian Leaders Call for India to Be Placed on Religious Freedom Watch List

Washington: In a significant move, over 300 US Christian leaders have petitioned the US State Department to place India on a watch list for severe violations of religious freedom, highlighting a surge in violence against Christians since 2014.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the appeal, dated August 1, requests that India be designated as a “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC). The group cites a dramatic increase in attacks on Christians—from 1,198 incidents in 2022 to 1,570 in 2023—coinciding with the governance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

The signatories of the letter include a diverse group of Christian leaders, among them 18 bishops, three archbishops, and numerous clergy, as well as academic and organizational heads. Pieter Friedrich, a FIACONA board member, emphasized the critical situation for Christians in India, stating, “It is encouraging to see the narrative shift as, finally, hundreds of Christian leaders from diverse backgrounds raise a voice for the persecuted Church in India.”

The letter not only seeks CPC designation for India but also urges the US to consider targeted sanctions against Indian government agencies and officials responsible for violations of religious freedom. It also calls for support of religious and human rights groups advocating for these freedoms both in India and the US.

This development follows numerous reports of religious violence in India, including conflicts in Manipur and persecution in Punjab, affecting both Christians and Sikhs. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom has expressed alarm over India’s actions against religious minorities and advocates, listing India among the world’s most severe violators of religious freedoms.