Over 1,500 Suicides Among Indian Paramilitary Forces Since 2011

New Delhi: A concerning trend in the Indian paramilitary forces has been highlighted, with over 1,532 suicides recorded between 2011 and 2023, underscoring significant mental health challenges within the ranks.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has experienced a particularly high incidence of suicides, with 430 cases reported from 2014 to 2023. The year 2021 saw the highest number of suicides at 57, while the lowest was in 2016 with 29. In addition to the suicides, there has been a notable rise in psychiatric issues among the personnel, with cases increasing from 3,584 in 2020 to 4,940 in 2022.

Additionally, nearly 46,960 personnel from the six Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) have resigned over the past five years due to various stresses, including the denial of leave and prolonged separation from family. The report by the Confederation of Ex-Paramilitary Forces Welfare Associations indicates that 80% of the suicides occurred shortly after personnel returned to duty from leave. This alarming data calls for urgent measures to address mental health and well-being in the forces.