OGRA Announces Fuel Price Hike Effective Mid-July

Islamabad: The Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) has announced an increase in the prices of motor spirit (petrol) and high-speed diesel (HSD) starting from July 16, 2024, reflecting recent fluctuations in the international market. The revised prices will see petrol increase by Rs. 9.99 per liter and diesel by Rs. 6.18 per liter.

According to Press Information Department, the new consumer prices for the next fortnight are set at Rs. 275.60 per liter for petrol and Rs. 283.63 per liter for diesel. These adjustments come despite the duties and levies on these products remaining unchanged at their current levels.

The price revision is in line with OGRA’s policy to adjust fuel prices bi-weekly, based on the international market trends to ensure transparency and provide relief to the consumers as much as possible. This recent increase is attributed to the significant changes in global oil prices, impacting the costs domestically.