Srinagar, The continuous, peaceful efforts of the residents of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) to attain liberation from India extend beyond seven decades.

According to a news release by Kashmir Media Service reports that the genesis of the Kashmiris’ resilience is attributed to October 27, recognized by them as Black Day. On this date in 1947, India audaciously asserted its dominion over Jammu and Kashmir, contrary to the deeply-held desires of its inhabitants.

The Partition Plan of 1947 granted the Muslim-majority territory of IIOJK the authority to choose its own fate. The populace of Jammu and Kashmir had envisioned uniting with Pakistan, a decision stemming from shared cultural and religious affinities. However, India’s unilateral proclamation on August 05, 2019, profoundly disrupted these aspirations, ushering in an era of perceived injustices.

In attempts to quell dissenting voices, subsequent Indian governments employed measures of censorship and suppression. The Kashmiris’ aspiration for self-determination was misconstrued as terrorism or a manifestation of Islamic extremism.

Despite confronting repressive legislation and curbs on religious practices, the will of the Kashmiri people endured. Their places of worship and religious gatherings faced heightened scrutiny, while many socio-religious entities faced prohibitions. Further, India’s initiatives to modify the demographic landscape by granting fraudulent domiciles to non-residents encountered firm Kashmiri resistance.

The Kashmiri populace staunchly resisted efforts to efface their unique identity and heritage. Efforts to modify their historical and cultural footprint, such as renaming historically significant Muslim sites or altering official languages, were met with an undeterred spirit. The region’s rich history and culture resonated deeply within its inhabitants.

However, the story of Kashmir transcends its borders. It embodies a broader movement for self-determination and freedom. The dispute over Kashmir has global significance, with the United Nations Security Council formally recognizing its importance. International regulations and laws call upon India to account for its actions and decisions in IIOJK. For resolving the Kashmir issue, the path forward is not warfare, but dialogue, diplomacy, and international collaboration. In this endeavour, Pakistan, with its unwavering support for Kashmiri rights, offers a beacon of hope. By fostering academic institutions dedicated to Kashmir and promoting scholarly research, the intricate facets of the Kashmir conflict can be thoroughly addressed.