Norway urged to play role in ending HR abuses in IIOJK

Oslo, March 24, 2023 (PPI-OT): The Norwegian government has been put on notice over Kashmir seeking the European nation’s active role to end human rights violations in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). Tehreek-e-Kashmir (TeK) Norway chapter had launched a petition, garnering more than 3200 signatures from across Norway, appealing the Norwegian authorities and the Norwegian government to “initiate dialogue with the international community for basic human rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.”

The Kashmiri activists urged the Norwegian government to “support the call for justice in solidarity” with Kashmir as people in IIOJK have been subjected to “cruel human rights violations for decades.” Shah Hussain Kazmi, Prescient TeK Norway submitted the petition to Asmund Aukrust, Vice President of Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and Deputy Chairman of the Labour Party in Norwegian parliament. Jorn Wichne Pedersen, political adviser of the Labor Party, was present on the occasion.

Muhammad Tayyib Mian, Tek Nowary Secretary General, Rfaqat Ali and Inam-ul-Haq Sethi accompanied Kazmi. “Since its liberation from British rule in 1947, Jammu and Kashmir has been illegally occupied by Indian military forces. Since then, the population has been exposed to gross human rights violations, hundreds of thousands have lost their lives and even more have been in custody, innocently convicted,” the petition read.

“Children grow up without parents, women have no rights and are exposed to violence and abuse on a daily basis, and the numbers grow week by week – day by day. The statistics recorded since 1989 to date show that India has killed over 96,156 people in IIOJK,” the petition said. “The UN has declared Kashmir to be the world’s most dangerous place and although the UN has contributed to peace negotiations several times, these have been repeatedly broken by Indian forces in IIOJK. Indian authorities tightened control over the population of Kashmir in August 2019, imposing total isolation and lockdown of the community over several months,” the petition read.

Muhammad Ghalib, President Tehreek-e-Kashmir Europe; and Fahim Kayani, President Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK; lauded the TeK Norway chapter for its proactive activism. “It is a matter of pride for people in IIOJK that their brothers, sisters and friends in Norway are concerned about their well-being,” said Kayani. “Grass roots activism is a must to mobilize public opinion in favor of Kashmir,” he said.

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