Srinagar, A non-Kashmiri worker, injured in a shooting incident in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, has died from his injuries. The victim, identified as Rohit Masih from the Indian state of Punjab, passed away in a Srinagar hospital, bringing the death toll from the incident to two.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the attack occurred in the Habba Kadal area of Srinagar on Wednesday evening, initially claiming the life of Amritpal Singh, another worker from Punjab. Masih, who was critically wounded in the same incident, was rushed to SMHS hospital in Srinagar on Wednesday night, where he succumbed to his injuries the following morning.
The incident has heightened concerns about the safety of non-local workers in the region, marking a tragic addition to the series of violent events in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The deaths of Masih and Singh underscore the ongoing challenges faced in the area, amidst a backdrop of political tension and violence.