New Delhi Conference Criticizes Waqf Amendment Bill as a Threat to Minority Rights

New Delhi: A major conference convened by the Indian Muslims for Civil Rights (IMCR) in New Delhi has vocally opposed the Waqf Amendment Bill 2024, characterizing it as an aggressive move against the properties of minority groups in India. The gathering brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including parliamentarians and community leaders, who collectively voiced concerns over the bill’s implications.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the conference, hosted at the Ghalib Institute, saw robust participation from across the nation, forming a broad coalition against the proposed legislation. AAP MP Sanjay Singh highlighted the bill’s potential impact on not just Muslim communities but also Sikhs, Buddhists, and Hindus, calling for united resistance to protect minority rights and properties.

Congress MP Naseer Hussain stressed the importance of a secular and unified approach to oppose the bill, while Maulana Fazlur Raheem Mujaddidi and former Minister K. Rahman Khan depicted the bill as a targeted move to disenfranchise Muslim property holders. The discourse extended to legal strategies and public advocacy, with Supreme Court lawyer Mahmood Pracha advocating for street-level protests and community activism.

Dr. Zafar Mahmood presented alarming statistics about the vast acreage of Waqf properties at risk, pointing out the absence of similar threats to properties owned by other religious communities, thus underlining the discriminatory nature of the bill.

The session concluded with a resolution to intensify efforts both within parliament and through public campaigns to counter the bill. The gathering was marked by contributions from a spectrum of leaders, reflecting a wide endorsement of the movement to challenge the Waqf Amendment Bill.