NEC Approves Five-Year Development Plan to Boost Economy and Address Climate Change

Islamabad, The National Economic Council, led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, has approved the thirteenth Five-Year Development Plan, aimed at enhancing regional development, boosting exports, and improving social protection among other targets.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the council meeting in Islamabad set forth comprehensive economic growth targets including the development of backward areas, support for small and medium enterprises, and strategies to combat the impacts of climate change. The Ministry of Planning has been tasked with presenting an action plan that will involve the provinces in promoting exports and contributing positively to the economy.

The new plan prioritizes the production of export goods, innovations in agriculture, and advancements in artificial intelligence and information technology to align with global standards. Additionally, the focus will be on sustainable energy, efficient water resource utilization, and the upliftment of youth and women. The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of utilizing available resources for the welfare of the masses and outlined measures for economic recovery and national development. The council also discussed the early implementation of the second phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the prioritization of near-completion projects in the upcoming development budget.