NDMA Hosts Dialogue on Women’s Roles in Disaster Management in Islamabad

Islamabad: The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) conducted a significant dialogue focused on enhancing women’s roles in disaster management. The event, supported by various international and local organizations, highlighted the crucial contributions of women in disaster risk reduction and capacity building.

According to National Disaster Management Authority announcement issued on 06 August 2024, the dialogue was a collaborative effort with organizations like UN Women, UNICEF Pakistan, Catholic Relief Services, Islamic Relief, HANDS, and Wealth Nagar Help (WHH). Chairman NDMA Lt. Gen. Inam Haider Malik and the Prime Minister’s Coordinator for Climate Change, Romina Khurshid Alam, participated as special guests, emphasizing the need for proactive disaster management and the integration of women into these frameworks.

The dialogue identified best practices and developed actionable recommendations for gender-sensitive policies in disaster management, reflecting a collective effort to empower women to play a pivotal role in this critical sector.