Vijayapura, In a violent clash underscoring the ongoing conflict in India, a constable from the District Reserve Guards (DRG) of the Indian Forces sustained injuries in an attack by Naxal rebels in Chhattisgarh. The incident, indicative of the heightened activities of Maoist rebels ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, marks a serious concern for security in the region.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the attack took place in the Atal Awas Colony, a residential area for police personnel and their families, located near the Gurna Mankili forest area of Bijapur. Constable Deepak Durgam was targeted outside his residence, suffering gunshot wounds inflicted by the rebels. He is currently receiving medical treatment at the district hospital, where his condition is reported as stable and out of danger.
This incident reflects the continued challenge posed by Naxalite movements in India, particularly in the lead-up to significant political events such as the Lok Sabha elections. The attack not only highlights the risks faced by security forces but also the broader implications for peace and stability in areas affected by Naxal insurgency.