Nationwide Strike Calls for Justice and Equality for Dalits and Other Marginalized Groups in India

New Delhi: Today, a general strike is taking place across India, with participants advocating for justice and improved rights for Dalits, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes. The action is a response to a recent Supreme Court judgment perceived as detrimental to their interests.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the National Confederation of Dalit and Adivasi Organisations (NACDAOR) organized the strike. The group has voiced strong opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision, which they argue compromises the reservation system set by the pivotal Indira Sawhney case, posing a risk to the constitutional rights of these communities.

NACDAOR’s demands are extensive, including the enactment of a new parliamentary act on reservations, the release of caste-based employment data in government services, the creation of an Indian Judicial Service with significant representation from SC, ST, and OBC communities in the judiciary, and the filling of backlog vacancies across various governmental and public sectors.

The organization has called for peaceful participation from Dalits, Adivasis, and OBCs to draw attention to their grievances and press for systemic change.