National Assembly to Elect Prime Minister on SaturdayPakistan Condemns India for Seizing Commercial Equipment Destined for Karachi

Islamabad, The National Assembly of Pakistan is set to elect a new Prime Minister tomorrow, marking a significant moment in the country’s political landscape.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, today serves as the deadline for the submission of nomination papers for candidates aspiring to the Prime Minister’s office. The scrutiny of these nomination papers is scheduled for Saturday afternoon, with the nomination forms available at the legislation branch of the National Assembly.

Islamabad, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan has issued a statement condemning the Indian government’s seizure of commercial equipment intended for a Karachi-based entity, which is a supplier to the automobile industry in Pakistan. The incident has sparked concerns over what Pakistan deems as an unjustified disruption of free trade and a misrepresentation of facts by the Indian media.

According to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the seizure involves a commercial lathe machine, which has clear indications of its use for commercial purposes within the automobile sector. The transaction, conducted through transparent banking channels with all necessary documentation, highlights the routine nature of such commercial exchanges.

The ministry criticized the Indian authorities’ actions as an overreach, emphasizing the unjust nature of the seizure and the broader implications it has for international trade norms. The affected private entities in Pakistan are actively pursuing remedies against this action, highlighting the incident as an example of India’s arbitrary exercise of power in the commercial domain.

Pakistan’s statement further criticized the growing tendency of states to assume policing roles without justification, pointing to the potential dangers this poses to the principles of free trade and international law. The ministry called attention to the violation of international norms by such acts, underscoring the need for adherence to legal frameworks that govern international commerce.

This incident has added tension to the already strained relations between India and Pakistan, with Islamabad pointing to it as evidence of New Delhi’s high-handed approach to bilateral trade issues. The call for respect of international law and norms in the conduct of state affairs, especially concerning commercial transactions, is a central theme in Pakistan’s response to this incident.

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