National Assembly Speaker Mourns the Loss of Lieutenant Uzair Mehmood Malik

Islamabad: Speaker of the National Assembly, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, has publicly mourned the loss of Lieutenant Uzair Mehmood Malik, who was recently martyred in an engagement with terrorists in the Tirah Valley of the Khyber District.

According to National Assembly of Pakistan, on August 9, 2024, Lieutenant Malik sustained fatal injuries during a clash with a group identified as “Khawarij.” Speaker Sadiq expressed profound sorrow over the incident and honored the late army officer for his ultimate sacrifice in defense of the nation. He commended the armed forces for their ongoing sacrifices, stating, “Pakistan owes its existence to the matchless sacrifices offered by brave personnel of our armed forces.” The Speaker also offered prayers for the deceased’s elevated ranks in the hereafter and for patience for his grieving family.