National Assembly Speaker Highlights Tourism’s Role in Pakistan’s Socio-Economic Development

Islamabad: The Speaker of the National Assembly, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, emphasized the critical role of tourism in fostering Pakistan’s economic growth and cultural diplomacy. On the eve of World Tourism Day, celebrated on September 27, Sadiq highlighted the vast potential of the tourism sector to enhance the country’s international image and promote socio-cultural and religious exchanges.

According to National Assembly of Pakistan, Speaker Sadiq detailed the multiple dimensions through which tourism contributes to the nation’s prosperity. He described Pakistan as a land rich in history, cultural diversity, and natural beauty, attracting tourists worldwide. He stressed the importance of tourism in driving economic development and fostering understanding and cooperation among different cultures.

The Speaker pointed out Pakistan’s strategic importance as a destination for religious and cultural tourism. He discussed the government’s initiatives to improve facilities for Sikh, Hindu, and Buddhist pilgrims visiting historic sites across the country. Efforts to streamline visa services were also mentioned, designed to facilitate a hassle-free experience for religious devotees and reflect Pakistan’s commitment to religious harmony and respect for diverse faiths.

Additionally, Sadiq highlighted the attraction of the Kalash Valley, known for its unique religion and culture, and other sites showcasing the heritage of the Gandhara civilization. He reiterated the government’s commitment to enhancing tourism to promote inter-faith harmony, remove socio-cultural barriers, and preserve the shared heritage of the sub-continent and the region.

The Speaker also acknowledged the diverse and picturesque landscapes of Pakistan, from the northern mountains, including K-2, to icy tundras, glaciers, crystal clear water bodies, vast deserts, and a beautiful coastline. He mentioned unique attractions such as the world’s highest polo ground at Shandor and vast deserts suitable for Jeep rallies, which draw adventure enthusiasts from around the globe.

In conclusion, Sadiq reiterated the importance of promoting tourism to boost employment, create sustainable development opportunities for communities, promote cultural heritage, boost exports, and strengthen the economy. He underscored the government’s determination to tap into the natural potential of tourism to improve the socio-economic status of Pakistan.