National Assembly Speaker Advocates for Stronger Democratic Institutions and Youth Engagement

Islamabad: National Assembly Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq emphasized the crucial roles of constitutional and parliamentary supremacy in driving national development and prosperity during an orientation program for interns at the Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Services in Islamabad today. He outlined the significance of bridging the gap between parliament and the public to enhance parliamentary effectiveness and the importance of involving educated youth in fostering economic stability.

According to National Assembly of Pakistan, Speaker Sadiq detailed several initiatives from his previous tenure aimed at improving the legislative framework and parliamentary processes. He highlighted the creation of the National Assembly’s first Strategic Plan for 2014-2018, which introduced significant reforms including the development of legislative drafting skills and the establishment of a well-resourced parliamentary services corps. A Legislative Drafting Council was also established to aid members in crafting effective legislation.

The Speaker further noted the impact of educational initiatives like the Parliamentary Studies Program, which has been adopted by 17 of the top 25 universities in Pakistan, offering degrees, diplomas, and courses in parliamentary studies. Moreover, the Young Parliamentary Associates program and various internships under the Prime Minister’s Youth Training Scheme have engaged over 2,000 young graduates in parliamentary operations since 2013, enhancing their involvement in national legislative processes.

Additionally, Sadiq shared achievements in sustainability and technological advancement, including Pakistan’s parliament becoming the first worldwide to fully transition to solar energy and the introduction of ‘E-Parliament’ initiatives aimed at creating a paperless legislative environment.

The orientation session underscored the ongoing efforts to build a positive image of Pakistan globally, facilitated by the formation of 88 Parliamentary Friendship Groups with sister parliaments around the world, promoting international cooperation and understanding.