National Assembly Committee Reviews Water Resource Management and Infrastructure Projects

Islamabad: The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Water Resources convened today to discuss the country’s water management and infrastructure projects, including the status of dam development and the water supply issues affecting Kirthar Canal in Balochistan. The committee focused on the overall performance of the Water Resources Ministry and its associated departments, as well as current challenges in water distribution among provinces.

According to National Assembly of Pakistan, the meeting featured briefings from Syed Ali Murtza, Secretary of Water Resources, and the Chairmen of the Indus River System Authority (IRSA) and the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). Discussions addressed the functions of the Ministry of Water Resources, including oversight of the Indus Waters Treaty and collaborations with various federal and international agencies. The committee was informed about staffing and operational aspects of the ministry and its attached departments.

The session also included a detailed presentation by the Chairman of WAPDA on the progress of the Dasu and Mohmand Dams, with a special focus on compensation issues for land-affected individuals. Concerns over water shortages in the Kirthar Canal were attributed to reduced inflows from upstream reservoirs, prompting calls for a more detailed examination in future meetings.