Nation to Observe Youm-e-Ashur with Solemn Commemorations of Karbala Martyrs

Islamabad: Tomorrow marks the observation of Youm-e-Ashur, the tenth day of Muharram-ul-Haram, commemorated nationwide with solemn ceremonies to honor Hazrat Imam Hussain Razi Allah ho Ta’ala Anho and his companions who sacrificed their lives in Karbala. Across Pakistan, mourning processions and Majalis will pay tribute to these figures, underscoring the enduring legacy of their sacrifice.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, religious scholars and speakers will discuss the teachings and sacrifices of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) during various events, including Majalis held in mosques and Imam Bargahs. These gatherings aim to reflect on the principles of martyrdom and the virtues of the Ahl-e-Bayt. Today, the country also observed the 9th of Muharram with large processions that saw extensive participation from the devotees of Imam Hussain, continuing a tradition of reverence and remembrance.

To ensure the safety of the participants, the government has implemented extensive security measures. These arrangements are part of national efforts to facilitate the peaceful observance of these significant religious events without any disturbances.