Nation Marks Youm-e-Takbeer with Commemorative Events and Public Holiday

Islamabad, Youm-e-Takbeer is being observed across Pakistan today, marked by special prayers and national ceremonies to commemorate the country’s nuclear tests conducted on this date in 1998. The observance includes a public holiday, allowing citizens to participate in various commemorative events.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the day started with Quran Khawani in mosques nationwide, where special prayers were offered for the peace and prosperity of the country. In 1998, under the leadership of then Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan carried out nuclear tests in response to India’s nuclear explosions, aiming to establish credible minimum deterrence and balance regional power dynamics.

Religious scholars emphasized the significance of May 28 in Pakistan’s history, leading prayers for the country’s security and ongoing progress. Events throughout the day are designed to reflect on the national achievement and its implications for Pakistan’s standing in the international arena.